It was time for Maybelle to get a camper version of a makeover- new curtains. We found some fabric at a discount fabric place for $4.99 a yard. I don't think that is a huge discount, but the place was closing in 5 minutes and we were getting the evil eye from the Mildreds and Gertrudes. After convincing Paul that we were not getting the vivid blue and purple fabric depicting a killer whale breaching in front of a sunset, we finally decided on a yellow and rose pattern. We also got some blackout fabric to line the curtains with.. it was only $4.99 a yard too.

My elaborate chicken scratch measurements.
I did a 1.5 increase on the width for each window and added three inches on the length. I haven't done the door yet so I won't talk about it.
Two side windows: 22x45
Big back window: 22x67.5
Here is my sewing machine designed for a 12 year old girl. I bought it while living in Alaska - wanting something tiny that I could travel with. It hasn't let me down yet! I was certain it couldn't handle the blackout fabric...and I was dead wrong. She beasted it.
For the blackout fabric, you need to cut that fabric a few inches smaller than your actual fabric. I just folded the edges over and didn't get fancy with it. I am way too impulsive and sloppy for anything else.
I will take some pictures of these beauties when I am finished. We lost power for some reason today and I had to stop sewing. We did what most people do when they lose power..we headed to the camper and had tea.
Maybelle naked and waiting!!
Thank you! Its definitely a granny pattern but I love it